(480) 420-9543

Register as a Member Online

Registering as a member of AzSOMA is made easier here with plans that support annual payments.  Quarterly payments will be available soon. After your payment is processed, someone from AzSOMA will be in contact to welcome you to the Society.

Friend (yearly)

A Friend of Arizona Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, and AzSOMA receives email content and can post classified advertisements.  Subscription at this level is open to all persons not-licensed to practice Acupuncture within the state but supportive of the Society and its efforts.  This subscription is $25 when paid yearly.

Student (yearly)

A Student of Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine with the intent to practice in Arizona receives email content and can post classified advertisements. Subscription at this level is open to all persons studying to practice Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine and not yet licensed to practice Acupuncture within the state but supportive of the Society and its efforts. This subscription is $25 when paid yearly.

Organizational (yearly)

An Organizational subscriber receives email content and can have up to 2 standing advertisements.  Subscription at this level is open to businesses or agencies supportive of the Society and its efforts.  This subscription is $100 when paid yearly.

Professional (yearly)

An Professional subscriber receives a member page, email content, and can post to the classified advertisements.  Subscription at this level is open to licensed acupuncturists practicing in Arizona.  This subscription is $125 when paid yearly.